About Our School

Angels Group of Education has been established by Leelavijay Education society in 2005. The schools are totally based on modern play-way method to confirm the childs psychology. Angles schools are a new perspective of our times and glimmer of the future . It is the school where children get wings for their bright future. Angel Group authorities give full concentration towards discipline and education.

For overall development of child we also look to other forms required for betterment of child. Our classes have been designed to direct skillful play activities for children and to impart education to their lives.

The school is a co-educational institution imparting education for the all round development of children in a true secular manner, so that the values of human dignity and equality are enshrined in the hearts of the pupils. This will help them to be responsible citizens and to build a modern democratic society. The most important factor is to indulge them in social activities which will inculcate human values and moral senses in them. The school believes that love, sharing , kindness and politeness will make them wonderful human beings and worthy citizens of our country.

  • Awards

    Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi bibendum imperdiet bibendum.

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  • Research

    tiam eget enim non magna vestibulum malesuada ut et lectus. Curabitur egestas risus massa, a malesuada erat ultrices non.

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  • Educations

    Maecenas venenatis, turpis ac tincidunt convallis, leo enim ultrices tortor, at faucibus neque sapien ac elit. Curabitur ut ipsum odio.

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  • Alumni

    Aliquam malesuada commodo lectus, at fermentum ligula finibus eu. Morbi nisi neque, suscipit non pulvinar vitae.

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  • Facilities

    Maecenas venenatis, turpis ac tincidunt convallis, leo enim ultrices tortor, at faucibus neque sapien ac elit. Curabitur ut ipsum odio.

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  • Departments

    Maecenas venenatis, turpis ac tincidunt convallis, leo enim ultrices tortor, at faucibus neque sapien ac elit. Curabitur ut ipsum odio.

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therefore always free from repetition

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour